Wednesday, August 22, 2012


I told my tripodian friend Angelica that I was very happy because I went to Costco (the best store in the world) and two of my purchases were a pumpkin pie and the September issue of a certain magazine... and then I looked at my little couch station and I realized that it was kind of girly... and I realized that there are some things that may be considered to be very silly girly things that I like but that I do not hardly share because I do not want my intelligence to be compromised and thinking THAT is super silly so....

Girly Things that I Like (that I USED to think were silly):

-lipstick (I hardly ever wear it in public but I like)
-the September issue of Vogue (I used to read Kyle's but sending for his would leave me bankrupt)
-freshly painted fingernails and toes 
-holding hands (but don't do the one arm hug thing while I walk because you know, I'm trying to walk)
-sticking heart stickers all over everything
-getting dressed up... for anything 
-pretty heels (I really want a pair of Christian Louboutin and btw his website is amazing and btw his shoes would leave me and my grandchildren bankrupt)
-Sex and the City
-nice purses

And that is all that I can think of that I used to hide from the public/friends/boys....

By the way my camp out on the couch:

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