Sunday, August 19, 2012

Piggy Back, Piggy Bank

One of the things that I have not talked about is my new job... where I am doing absolutely nada with my degree of course...but actually I really like 80% of this job. And the people? I like 100% of them.

I work at a bank. I know, there are horror stories about working at such a place but I really like it. I'm not a teller, I'm on the customer service side. So I open accounts, make people debit/visa cards (yes... it is true. We make them on the spot), and try to "assist" people with taking loans out. It's this last part that really throws me through a loop but anyway here are some of the things I have learned:

-If you set up automatic payments (gas, electricity, loans, yada yop) try to pay with the Visa card that is attached to your account not with your bank account and routing number. The payment, if paid using your routing number and bank account number, will come out of your account even if you do not have the funds and you will overdraft and pay fees and your bank may still cause this payment to bounce. If you use your card then usually the payment won't go through and if it does, you won't be charged the overdraft fee that banks charge.

-Look at your bank statement. Silly to say this but A LOT of people do not do this (I, prior to working here, never did). Sometimes banks charge for things on accident. Sometimes fraudulent transactions occur and they start at $1 or something less obvious like $1.67 and they slowly build up and by the time you notice, you have a lot of paperwork to fill out. And you're short a couple of dollars. Maybe not much but frankly I work for my money and if $100 of it goes missing/is stolen that pisses me off. I could have spent that on a much needed pair of good running shoes or I don't know, 2 copies of "The Economist".

-Make them get to know you. If you have a question call your branch. Get your own banker. Be friendly and nice to someone at the branch. Bother them, in a nice way. Bring them cookies. They will remember you. This may help you. If this is a bank that isn't giving you the customer service you want then fuck it, on to the next bank. Or keep that bank if they are a nationwide bank but take most of your funds to a smaller bank. I do this. I have accounts at a major bank and the place where I work at. The major bank has a kabillion fees. The bank where I work is small. They have less fees and it is easier to get to know the employees.

And that's it for now. I could go on but I'll do it in spurts. I feel like I may be coming off as preachy and my suggestions are pretty vague? I feel like this is so.

I have finally begun to meet people during normal hours and it is actually really nice. I have made a couple of friends. Particularly Matt. Matt and I sit across from one another and we chat and after work we club and eat and talk and hang out and we dilly dally. Now let me just be the first to say that this is a great guy and I like him a whole lot but we are not romantically involved. No, but really great person and I love hanging out with him.

Pretty good day today and here are a couple of pictures:

Dillon is on the left and Matt is on the right. We went to eat at a Sonic-type place but I forgot the name... will find out tomorrow. They were closing when we got there but it was located in Porn City. 

Porn City: I guess this is a major truck stop place and it is full of little XXX shops, and gentlemen clubs, and there are billboards advertising this everywhere, and it's awful. Athena and Jeffrey actually warned me about this place because you basically are driving along and the river looks really pretty and everything is green and all of a sudden there is an ass in your face. Well it feels like it because it is being advertised everywhere. 

Zania and I are excited to get some grub.  We actually ended up at Mickey D's.

Then we went on a stroll downtown and by the river.

Poor Matt was really tired from work today. 

Oh I forgot to tell you. The bank I work at is open 7 days a week. So I worked today and so did Matt and we got slammed and we were tired and then I make the poor guy give me a piggy back ride. The beginning of a true friendship. 

Piggy back. Piggy bank. 

Good night and see you later.

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