Tuesday, April 17, 2012


This Easter was quite sweet. First off, this G, finally has pocket change and I was able to treat my Harrisburgians to some eats. We went to a Chinese buffet were they had Chinese donuts and I ate like 5 of them! Side note: when explaining to Mtm how these donuts were the bestest, she told me that she had never encountered them and a. she is Chinese and b. she has been to China soooooo yeaaaa.

Then Athena made the kids lovely Easter baskets and we went to the park to hide some eggs for Angel. He didn't really like the idea of hunting the eggs so when Athena and Jeffrey weren't looking I decided to hunt HIM down. I grabbed the eggs and starting pelting him with them. We noticed that he would laugh, pick up the eggs that were thrown at him, and then carefully place them in his basket. Go figure, I freaking love this kid. We had fun, went home, and that was Easter. Bliss.

Angel awaits the next bruise, ahem, egg against this firing wall.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Neighborhood Scouting

I have been trying to go running everyday. And sometimes I come across weird things in the neighborhood. I really want to take pictures of these things I find BUT I fear that the dwellers and owners are going to think that I am scouting their houses and are going to beat me up.

Some of the visual highlights of my running:

-house with the gnomes 
-house with the fake deer in the backyard
-tulips (all these tulips have all of a sudden bloomed)
-an older couple that I always see (probably in 70's) walk around the neighborhood 

From one day to the next, these flowers were all over the place

Maybe tomorrow I'll take the risk and get pictures....

Sunday, April 1, 2012

My Eyes are Hearts for Your Apples

I completely forgot to write about the wonderful New York City! I kept on putting it off to give it a proper entry... On March 10, 2012 the Hughes clan and I went to NYC for the weekend.

We actually stayed in New Jersey and metro'd it up. Here we are right outside our hotel.

One of the new WTC buildings (there will be 5). We didn't reserve a pass to see the 9/11 Memorial though (sad face).

We walked around Times Square.

And we ate.....

The first time I came here, I remember thinking, "I could live here". But it was an all encompassing feeling... And the more I saw, the more I liked, even though some parts could definitely not be described as pretty or interesting. I connected. 

I have basically moved across the country to eventually move to this city. I can't pinpoint why this is a dream of mine. Maybe it's the energy. Maybe because there is always something going on. Maybe because the subway system makes me happy. Maybe it's because it is a city of fighters. And fighters dream. And sometimes fighters lose. They are broken and bruised and tired. But sometimes fighters win. They are broken and bruised and tired but they mend and heal and soar. I guess one can argue that you can get this feeling in any place, but I have felt it here. I don't even know what I want to do with myself necessarily. I can't say that I want to be a psychologist or teacher or a hat maker. I want to help people. In a selfish and unselfish way. I want to contribute and I want to do it here... Ah, we shall see what becomes of all this... It may be the biggest mistake I have made. It may be the best thing I do. But I know, that I lead with my heart and I don't believe in going down without a fight.