Thursday, May 3, 2012

Friday the 13th Getaway

Liz-e is one of those college buds that you kinda like, then you kinda love, then you really love, and then all of a sudden she is a life bud. She lives in Providence, RI with her beau Greg. We met up in NYC the weekend of April 13th.


We went out to a place called "L'asso" and we drank beer and wine and caught up. We hadn't seen each other since 2010! We got a hotel in Queens and after the restaurant closed we did the classy thing and bought beer and went back to the hotel room. The following morning Liz-e wasn't feeling so good so Greg and I explored Central Park together.

Greg really wanted to check out Delacorte Theater which puts on "Shakespeare in the Park". 
If you want to check out a show go to the theater the day of the show at 1:00 and get free tickets or check out their website.

It was a ridiculously beautiful day!

By the time we were done exploring we met with Liz-e and explored some more... Then we ate dessert at "Bubby's" in the Tribeca area.

Bubby's had ducks in the window, a plastic cow outside, a Pacman arcade machine, photo booth, and a mean apple pie!

Cute #2!

Reunited roomies! Did I tell you? We met because we were placed in a triple dorm room in college.

We decided to call it an early night and hung out at the hotel room... I fell asleep at 10pm! Shame! The next morning we had breakfast together at which point Liz-e asked me if I had found a new breakfast joint in the Burg....I have not!!! (It is now my goal to find a substitute for Santa Barbara's Cajun Kitchen. How I miss theee!). Greg, Liz-e, and I said our goodbyes over bfast and went our ways (for now). 

And before I left NYC(super side note here: if you see an Amtrak ticket at a price you like, get it! The prices on the East Coast change so I was originally going to take the amtrak back home for $50 but by the time I decided to get the ticket which was literally the following day the ticket had gone up to...drummers...$100! It doubled! So I took the Megabus. Heart heart swoon.) geez, where was I? Oh, before I left I checked out the Hell's Kitchen Flea Market.

Cute things but not super cheap or big... I really want to check out the Brooklyn Flea Market!

Then I got home and got to hang around my teeny buddies:

Angel and Marla play outside.

I'm one lucky duck.

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